Track and Check
What is Health Check?
Health Check allows travelers to report on their wellbeing through automated calls with an Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system.

Keep track of all travelers with a data dashboard

Setup flexible, time-sensitive monitoring settings
Translate your campaign to multiple languages

A tool founded to monitor travelers from the Ebola Hotzone
Check and Report Ebola (CARE) Hotline, a novel approach to monitoring, was designed to allow travelers to report their health status daily to an interactive voice recognition system (IVR). After a rapid development process, the IVR was piloted with Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on federal employees who returned from deployments to affected countries. The system was designed using open source tools from InSTEDD, Verboice for IVR and mBuilder for SMS. These tools were packaged together to facilitate and promote travelers’ adherence to daily self-monitoring reporting requirements of symptoms.
CDC surveyed the participating employees to assess user experience. Results indicated that users became more familiar with and found the system easier to use over the course of their monitoring period. The majority were highly satisfied (94%) and would recommend the system for future monitoring efforts (89%). This technology is easily adaptable and can be modified for future emergency responses, contact investigations, or routine monitoring for public health protections.
The public health mission of GDMQ is to reduce morbidity and mortality
among immigrants, refugees, travelers, expatriates, and other globally
mobile populations, and to prevent the introduction, transmission, and
spread of communicable diseases through regulation, science, research,
preparedness, and response.
GDMQ also has the regulatory mission to
prevent the introduction, transmission, and interstate spread of
communicable diseases into the United States and its territories. Read more about CDC GDMQ here.